.it - Italy


www. .it

Registration rules for .it domain:

  • Presence in the European Union or in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Vatican City State, Republic of San Marino and Switzerland
  • Can be registered both by companies and individuals
  • No limit on the number of registered domains
  • Number of characters: 3-63 extension excluded
  • Accepted characters: digits (0-9), letters (a-z) and hyphen (-). The hyphen cannot appear as the first or the last character of the domain name
  • Accepted special characters: à, â, ä, è, é, ê, ë, ì, î, ï, ò, ô, ö, ù, û, ü, æ, œ, ç, ÿ, β
  • Domain names cannot begin with “xn—“' unless indicating an IDN that contains special characters (internationalized domain name)

Why choose a .it domain?

.it is the Italian geographic extension, the most popular in Italy.

.it domains can be registered using accented letters or non-Latin characters: domain names can match a name of person, company or brand. Just type a domain name using accented characters into the domain search tool bar and it will be automatically converted for registration.

An .it domain name represents an interesting marketing tool: if carefully chosen, it can create nice puns to help users remember a website address. .it domain names can be registered as geographic domains localised with a region or province.

Why choose a .it

  • Identifies Italy
  • Is the most requested extension by Italian users
  • Perfect for marketing purposes thanks to its assonance with "it": watch.it, read.it, buy.it...

.it domain registration:
  • use alphanumerical characters of the English alphabet and hyphens
  • use accented letter too: à, â, ä, è, é, ê, ë, ì, î, ï, ò, ô, ö, ù, û, ü, æ, oe, ß
  • cannot start nor end with an hyphen
  • use a VAT number or a tax code to register as many .it domains as you wish
  • only physical and juridical persons belonging to one of the members of the EU community can register .it domain names
  • length of domain name can range from 3 to 63 characters

  • Rules for registration
    Allocation and registration rules are given by the Naming Authorities and applied by the Italian Registration Authority. Further information can be found at www.nic.it.

    For further information about times and rules of registration, please see our FAQ.

    .it "geographic" third level domains

    Register the .it domain of any italian province or region! These are called third level domains because they have an extra level separator, a "." followed by the abbreviation of the province or region.
    Besides a .it domain you can register:

    Some valid examples:

    Register now your third level .it domain name

    IDN stands for Internationalised Domain Name. IDNs are domain names that contain characters from non-ASCII character sets. These include characters with accents: à, â, ä, è, é, ê, ë, ì, î, ï, ò, ô, ö, ù, û, ü, æ, oe, ß. As the DNS (Domain Name System) only recognises basic ASCII characters, every registered IDN is automatically converted into a format (called an ACE string) that the DNS can use; this format will begin with four characters: xn--, indicating that the domain name is an IDN.

    Some browsers and email clients do support IDNs, many applications don't yet and may require updating or the correct plug-in from the provider to allow IDN access. If an application does not support IDNs, you may use the IDN’s ACE string (xn--).
    Only characters from the basic ASCII character set can be used for nameservers. Should you wish to use an IDN domain name as a nameserver, you can use the ACE string (XN--) but not the IDN itself.

    Register a .it domain inclusive of free unlimited web space and three email boxes with 2Gb each.



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